Sunday, 30 September 2012


Something struck me recently – why do some homebuyers feel that it's safe to buy a home without an independent survey, but understandably think it ridiculous to buy a car without an MOT?
Many people fall foul of this trap; because the house is so beautiful and couldn't possibly have an issue with damp (not a visible one, anyway). I have lost count of the number of times a couple's dream has turned into a financial nightmare – something that could be avoided if you know the right people to ask.

Carrying out a professional building survey with a reputable company can help alleviate potential pitfalls or hidden problems, saving thousands of pounds in the process.

According to chartered building surveyors, Linchpin Ltd, it is estimated that only around 15-20% of buyers choose to pay for an in-depth building survey - preferring instead to rely on the mortgage valuation. However, this may not prove sufficient when buying certain types of property: 
“A mortgage valuation is not a survey, it is a limited check carried out by the mortgage lender to ensure the property is worth the money they are lending you,” explains Ian Summersgill, managing director at Linchpin.
“If you are planning to buy an older, larger or more unusual property – or are planning to renovate or later the property – it is well worth getting a building survey which typically costs a fraction of one per cent of the value.”
A professional building survey is a no-holds barred examination of a property, from its structural condition, wiring and central heating to the internal and external drainage systems.
Typically, these surveys cost between £750 and £1,500 depending on the size of the property; a good, sensible investment to make which could not only save the homebuyer a substantial chunk of money, but also help to effectively plan any renovation work.
“Replacement central heating systems will cost around £5,000, re-wiring about £3,000 and roof problems can be off the dial in terms of repair costs,” continues Mr Summersgill.
“We are not saying a house is necessarily going to fall down, but the old adage that ‘they don’t build them like they used to’ is simply a myth”.
Strict health and safety regulations within the building industry mean the days of cheap building repairs are gone; roof inspections and repairs usually require scaffolding and its now illegal to undertake any electrical work unless fully qualified.

If you would like to know more about Linchpin Ltd and the services offered please contact 01423 790155, or e-mail


Bats have been getting so much bad press recently that you might be forgiven for thinking that their numbers are on the increase. Sadly, this is not true – however you might be wishing it were if you are one of the many unfortunate homeowners who find themselves with an unwanted flying friend swooping down on you as you sleep.

Many people will be aware that bats and their roosts are protected by law, and as bats return to the same roosts every year, they are protected whether bats are present or not. It is illegal to kill, injure or take a wild bat, or intentionally or recklessly damage, destroy or obstruct access to a bat roost. So what does this mean for homeowners?

“Having bats in your roof does not mean building work, repairs or timber treatment cannot take place but you will need to contact the local Statutory Nature Conservation Organisation (SNCO) for their advice before you proceed,” explains Ian Summersgill, managing director at chartered surveyors, Linchpin Ltd.

“There are many myths and misunderstandings about bats so people are unsure what to expect but thousands of households across the UK have bats roosting in their roof or loft space and for the majority it is a wonderful experience,” continues Mr Summersgill.

Here are some key bat-facts to help you get started:

Bats are not rodents and will not nibble or gnaw at wood, wires or insulation.
They do not build nests and therefore do not bring bedding material into the roofs; neither do they bring insect prey into the roost.
All bats in the UK eat insects, so they are a great form of natural pest control.
Their droppings are dry and do not putrify, but crumble away to dust.
Female bats usually only have one baby a year.
Most bats are seasonal visitors to roosts in houses – they are unlikely to live in that roost all year round, although they are loyal to their roosts, so usually return year after year.
There is an incredibly low risk of catching bat rabies from UK bats.
Bats are clean,sociable animals and spend many hours grooming. They prefer to live in clean, cobweb free areas where there are no draughts.
British bats are small: 3.3 – 8.2cm long, depending on the species.


You should not attempt any work on your property that may affect a bat roost or access to it before you have spoken to the SNCO.
Although bats do have legal protection, the law does not expect people to co-exist with bats in living areas such as bedrooms or sitting rooms. On the rare occasions where bats are consistently finding their way into the living area, the local SNCO should be consulted to resolve the situation
It is entirely possible for people to live peacefully with a roost in their roof – many people go for years without realising they have bats.
By protecting your bat roost you are playing a vital role in bat conservation.

For further information about bats in residential or commercial dwellings contact Ian Summersgill, Linchpin Ltd Chartered Surveyors on 01423 790155, or by e-mail to


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